Attract top talent using Employer Branding

Showcase what makes you an employer of choice and grow 
your talent pipeline – using targeted social media advertising.
five star ratingfive star ratingfive star ratingfive star rating
two women looking at the laptop and smiling

Kickstart your Employer Branding journey

Elevate your employer brand with targeted social media ads and get expert guidance every step of the way. Showcase your company culture, values, and perks to attract the right talent and build a strong talent pipeline.
  • Get step-by-step guidance
  • Reach top talent with targeted ads
  • Grow your talent pipeline
  • Increase recruitment success rate
Book consultation

Reach top talent using social media advertising

Reach top talent effectively with targeted social media ads, using a mix of leading advertising channels and advanced, data-driven targeting techniques.
  • Reach top talent using targeted ads
  • Mix-and-match top advertising channels
  • Benefit from data-driven targeting
  • Stay on-brand with custom ads
five star rating
woman smiling while looking at her phone

Showcase what makes you an attractive employer

Present your vision and mission while highlighting your company culture, values, and perks to attract top talent. Get data-backed recommendations and learn what sets you apart as an employer.
  • Showcase your vision and mission
  • Highlight unique perks and benefits
  • Demonstrate growth opportunities
  • Illustrate work-life balance initiatives

Grow your talent pipeline – step-by-step

Benefit from the interest sparked by your Employer Brand ads to grow your talent pipeline. Engage with relevant candidates early on and convert them into applicants – using our smart multi-step strategy.
  • Leverage our multi-step strategy
  • Automatically retarget candidates
  • Offer job alerts or open applications
  • Advertise jobs to engaged candidates
Book consultation

See it in action

Get inspired by our custom-made social media ads.
Arla 3
Arla 4
Candela 2
Carlsberg 3
Epidemic Sound 2
Epidemic Sound 4
Epidemic Sound 5
Hemnet 4
Nordax Bank
PE Accounting 2
Peak Performance 3
Polarium 3
Polarium 5
Qliro 2
Södersjukhuset 3

You're in good company

We offer tailor-made solutions for companies of all sectors and sizes.

Book a free consultation

Want to learn more about how we can help you and your company attract and recruit the right candidates - fast, smart & easy? Book a free consultation with one of our specialists in job advertising, recruitment, employer branding & recruitment tools.

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Free e-book: The biggest Employer Branding trends of 2024

Check out our e-book on 2024's top employer branding trends. Learn to attract the best talent and choose the right channels.
Download now