Talent Software - easy-to-use recruitment software

Effortlessly manage your hiring process with Talent Software. Get a modern careers site, post jobs, handle applications, and automate essential tasks.
woman looking at the laptop screen

Get an attractive careers site – free setup included

Show off the best aspects of working at your company with a user-friendly, professionally designed careers site that looks great on all devices. Post jobs effortlessly and let candidates apply in no time.
  • Get a custom-branded careers site
  • Showcase job openings
  • Highlight key perks and benefits
  • Get started in no time

Post and advertise jobs -with just a few clicks

Streamline your recruitment process with Talent Software by posting and sponsoring jobs effortlessly across key channels. Our system automates the distribution of your job listings, ensuring they reach the ideal candidates across the right channels.
  • Use templates for quick posting
  • Advertise jobs with just a few clicks
  • Set up automatic advertising
  • Monitor your campaigns in real-time
sponsor job ads
man looking at his phone and smiling

Allow candidates to
apply in no time

Make applying easy as 1-2-3. Allow interested candidates to quickly apply for jobs, submit open applications, or sign up to be notified about future job openings.
  • Make applying for jobs easy
  • Customize your apply forms
  • Collect open applications
  • Set up job notifications

Manage multiple candidates – all at once

Keep track of all your candidates easily with our powerful management tools. Talent Software helps you organize, screen, and communicate with candidates throughout the hiring process.
  • Categorize candidates automatically
  • Easily bulk-manage candidates
  • Email candidates in-system
  • Automate testing and more
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five star review

Why Talent Software?

Get access to everything you need to take your hiring strategy to the next level.

Career & Campaign pages

  • Customized career site with your images, videos, colors, logo & font
  • Candidate-friendly application forms
  • Optimized for desktop, tablet & mobile
  • Advertise vacancies – both externally & internally
  • Let candidates subscribe to future vacancies

Candidate Management

  • Easy and smart candidate management
  • Automated A-, B-, C-categorization
  • Automated candidate feedback
  • Ability to comment & tag applications
  • Email templates
  • Recruitment process templates
  • Job templates


  • Order social media advertising
  • Order job board advertising
  • Order Two Step Advertising
  • Order Employer Branding
  • Order recruitment services
  • Order video production


  • Automated categorization of candidates
  • Automated candidate replies
  • Automated testing
  • Automated background controls
  • Automated reference checking
  • Automated interview scheduling

Safety & Security

  • Unlimited amount of users
  • Ability to set different user levels
  • Automatic SSL certificate
  • GDPR secure system
  • Frequent security audits
  • Auth0 for safe password management
  • SSO/SAML for secure logins


  • Support via live chat
  • Support via e-mail
  • Large help library with articles & videos

You're in good company

We offer tailor-made solutions for companies of all sectors and sizes.

Book a free consultation

Want to learn more about how we can help you and your company attract and recruit the right candidates - fast, smart & easy? Book a free consultation with one of our specialists in job advertising, recruitment, employer branding & recruitment tools.

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Free e-book: The biggest Employer Branding trends of 2024

Check out our e-book on 2024's top employer branding trends. Learn to attract the best talent and choose the right channels.
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